Get In Touch
Two Horizon Centre, Golf Course Road,
5th Floor, DLF Phase 5, Gurugram,
Haryana 122002
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We specialize in delivering comprehensive DevOps and SecOps services to empower organizations in achieving seamless collaboration between development and operations teams while ensuring robust security measures. Our experts integrate best practices, automation, and continuous monitoring, fostering a culture of efficiency, agility, and heightened security across the software development lifecycle. With a focus on accelerating time-to-market and fortifying defenses, we are committed to enabling our clients to navigate the dynamic landscape of modern software development with confidence and resilience.


Consulting and Assessment

  • Initial assessment of the organization's current processes, tools, and culture.
  • Guidance on DevOps best practices and recommendations for improvement.
  • Customized DevOps roadmap and strategy development.

Automation and Orchestration

  • Automation of manual, repetitive tasks to improve efficiency.
  • Orchestration of complex workflows and processes across development, testing, and production environments.
  • Building Docker images for containerized applications.
  • Orchestrating container deployments using Kubernetes, Docker Swarm, or other container orchestration platforms.
  • Automating the scaling, load balancing, and health monitoring of containerized workloads.

Monitoring, Analytics, and Logging

  • Implementation of monitoring and alerting systems to track application and infrastructure performance.
  • Log management and analysis for troubleshooting and auditing.
  • Monitor pipeline performance and metrics to identify bottlenecks and optimize workflow efficiency.
  • Creating automated alerts and notifications based on predefined thresholds and conditions.
  • Integrating monitoring solutions with incident management and ticketing systems for automated incident response.
  • Automating the setup and configuration of monitoring tools to collect performance metrics and log data.

Continuous Integration (CI) and Continuous Delivery/Deployment (CD)

  • Set up and configuration of CI/CD pipelines to automate code integration, testing, and deployment.
  • Implementation of automated testing and quality assurance processes.
  • Continuous monitoring and feedback loops for rapid and reliable software delivery.
  • Set up CI/CD pipelines using tools like Jenkins, GitLab CI/CD, or CircleCI to automate build, test, and deployment processes.
  • Configuring CD pipelines for automated deployment to development, staging, and production environments.
  • Triggering automated builds on code commits or pull requests.

Infrastructure as Code (IaC)

  • Assistance in creating infrastructure using code (e.g., tools like Terraform or CloudFormation).
  • Management and version control of infrastructure configurations.
  • Choosing an IaC tool such as Terraform, Ansible, or Pulumi based on team's expertise and project requirements.
  • Describe infrastructure configuration using declarative code abstracting away provider specific details.
  • Organize infrastructure code into modular components for reuse and maintenance.
  • Use version control using Git or similar systems to manage changes and track history.
  • Integrate automated testing to validate infrastructure changes prior to implementation.

Containerization and Orchestration

  • Implementation of container technologies like Docker for consistent application packaging.
  • Orchestration using tools like Kubernetes for automated deployment, scaling, and management.
  • Define Dockerfiles for each application component to ensure consistency and repeatability.
  • Docker Image creations (Containarization) Orchestration of the deployed services.
  • Build a container registry (e.g., Docker Hub, Google Container Registry) to store and distribute container images efficiently.
  • Implement health checks and stability checks to ensure application reliability in containers.

Cloud Services Integration

  • Integration of cloud platforms (e.g., AWS, Azure, GCP) to leverage scalable and on-demand resources.
  • Migration of existing applications to the cloud.
  • Integrating cloud-based applications with each other or with on-premises systems.
  • Implementing APIs, webhooks, or event-driven architectures for real-time communication between applications.
  • Integrating cloud identity providers (such as Azure Active Directory, AWS IAM, or Google Cloud IAM) with existing identity management systems.
  • Implementing single sign-on (SSO) and federated identity to allow users to access cloud services using their existing credentials.

Security and Compliance

  • Integration of security practices into the development process (DevSecOps).
  • Implementation of security controls, vulnerability assessments, and compliance frameworks.
  • Automating security scans and vulnerability assessments as part of the CI/CD pipeline.
  • Enforcing security policies and compliance standards through automated configuration management and auditing.
  • Integrating security controls with identity and access management (IAM) systems for role-based access control and least privilege enforcement.

Support and Maintenance

  • Ongoing support for maintaining and enhancing DevOps pipelines and processes.
  • Regular updates and optimizations based on changing requirements and technology advancements.
  • Monitoring infrastructure, applications, and services for performance metrics, availability, and errors.
  • Setting up alerts and notifications for abnormal behavior or performance degradation.
  • Managing and triaging incidents reported by monitoring systems or users.
  • Reviewing and approving proposed changes to infrastructure, configurations, or applications.
  • Tuning system configurations, application settings, and database parameters for improved performance.

Tailored Solutions

  • Customized DevOps solutions based on the organization's specific needs, challenges, and goals.
  • Developing IaC templates customized to the organization's infrastructure requirements, cloud provider, and compliance standards.
  • Designing CI/CD pipelines tailored to the organization's technology stack, release cadence, and quality assurance requirements.
  • Building configuration management frameworks tailored to manage diverse infrastructure components, middleware, and application configurations.
  • Designing containerization and orchestration platforms customized to the organization's application architecture, scalability needs, and resource constraints.
  • Selecting containerization technologies (e.g., Docker, Kubernetes) and configuring clusters, networking, and storage solutions accordingly.

Performance Optimization

  • Analysis and optimization of application and infrastructure performance to ensure scalability and responsiveness.
  • Conducting code reviews and refactoring to improve code quality, readability, and performance.
  • Utilizing profiling tools and performance monitoring to identify and address bottlenecks in application code.
  • Streamlining build processes by optimizing build configurations, dependencies, and build scripts.
  • Optimizing CI pipelines for faster feedback loops and quicker integration of code changes.
  • Optimizing deployment pipelines for faster and more reliable deployments to production.
  • Optimizing infrastructure configurations, server sizing, and resource allocation for better performance and cost efficiency.
  • Leveraging container optimization tools and techniques (e.g., Docker Slim, containerd) to optimize container performance and resource consumption.

Data Migration

  • Database Migration
  • Cloud Data Migration
  • File and Object Storage Migration
  • Enterprise Application Migration
  • SAP Migration
  • Oracle Application Migration
  • Salesforce Migration
  • Microsoft Dynamics Migration
  • Legacy Application Modernization
  • Custom Application Migration
  • Content Management System (CMS) Migration
  • Data Center Migration
  • SharePoint Online Migration

We are a leading DevOps service provider, specializing in streamlining and automating the software development lifecycle to enhance efficiency, collaboration, and deployment speed. Our expertise encompasses continuous integration and continuous deployment (CI/CD) pipelines, infrastructure as code (IaC), and container orchestration using tools such as Jenkins, GitLab CI, Docker, and Kubernetes. We focus on optimizing development workflows, ensuring seamless integration between development and operations teams, and fostering a culture of continuous improvement. Our services include cloud infrastructure management, automated testing, monitoring, and security, ensuring that applications are robust, scalable, and secure. By leveraging the latest DevOps practices and tools, we empower our clients to achieve faster time-to-market, higher quality software releases, and more agile development processes.

Google Cloud
Docker Swarm
GitLab CI/CD
AWS CloudFormation
ELK Stack

Threat Detection and Monitoring

We do real-time monitoring of networks, systems, and applications to identify potential security threats, anomalies, or suspicious activities. This can be done using various security tools and technologies, including intrusion detection systems (IDS), intrusion prevention systems (IPS), security information and event management (SIEM) platforms, and more.

Incident Response

When security incidents occur, our SecOps teams are responsible for coordinating and executing an effective incident response plan. This involves analyzing the nature and scope of the incident, containing the threat, conducting forensic analysis, and implementing corrective actions to prevent similar incidents in the future.

Vulnerability Management

Our SecOps teams regularly assess and identify vulnerabilities in an organization's infrastructure, applications, and systems. They prioritize vulnerabilities based on risk and criticality and work with the relevant teams to apply patches, updates, and security configurations to mitigate potential risks.

Security Automation and Orchestration

Automation plays a crucial role in SecOps by reducing manual tasks and accelerating response times. Our perfected automated processes can help with tasks such as threat hunting, incident enrichment, and even triggering predefined response actions.

Compliance and Regulatory Alignment

Our SecOps expertise also ensure that an organization's security practices align with industry regulations and compliance standards. This involves regular audits, assessments, and documentation to demonstrate adherence to security requirements.

Continuous Monitoring and Improvement

Our team does continuous monitoring, analysis, and improvement of security measures. This might include refining incident response plans, optimizing security configurations, and staying up-to-date with emerging threats.

Cloud Security

With the increasing adoption of cloud technologies, our SecOps services extend to securing cloud environments. This involves managing access controls, monitoring cloud resources, and ensuring compliance in cloud-based systems

User and Access Management

Controlling user access and managing authentication and authorization mechanisms is a critical part of our SecOps access services to prevent unauthorized access to sensitive data and systems.

Security Awareness and Training

Our SecOps teams collaborate with other departments to provide security awareness training to employees, educating them about best practices, potential threats, and how to recognize and report security incidents.